Legat-Verlag Arms and Armor from Iran

PUBLICITY | Ms. Sima Miri, Senior Museum Specialist and Analyst of the Luristan and Historical Departments National Museum of Iran

NOVEMBER 2006, Book Review: Arms and Armor from Iran

I first met Mr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani almost two years ago and had a short meeting with him. We discussed his work and also his field research in the Historical Department of the National Museum of Iran. His huge interest and strong determination made the impression on me that even the potential difficulties and obstacles would not affect him in the slightest way. The research volume and dimensions regarding so many periods and the number of artifacts to be researched by Mr. Moshtagh Khorasani were so numerous that it was initially assumed not only one person would not be able to do it but also one person could not do it within the planned time framework proposed by Mr. Moshtagh Khorasani.

However, his strong determination, high motivation, personal interest, continuous research and reading for many years, diligence, and his accuracy resulted in this book, which readers see in front of them now. This valueable book contains complete information about the arms and armor and their corresponding classification from the pre-Islamic periods (from 3000 B.C.) and the Islamic era (until the end of the Qajar Period). Based on the references, the book deals with the development of these weapons from an art history perspective; the classification of arms and armor and military equipment; an analysis of the decorative elements and their usage; and an analysis of the political, social, and cultural environment of the eras discussed in the text. A detailed, painstaking analysis in doing research and taking pictures and a detailed analysis of the inventories of arms and armor of ten Iranian museums and private collections in Iran and abroad are other important aspects of the book. Above all, the most important element of this book is that it is written in English so that many scholars around the world can benefit from it. Seventeen editors from many countries helped edit the book, and many other specialists provided input for the book, which is evidence of the importance of the text and shows how important the academic and scientifc standards were for Mr. Moshtagh Khorasani. All of these factors have resulted in a book that helps readers, especially the international readers, to become aquainted with the history of Iranian arms and armor and the military equipment of Iran from 3000 B.C. to the end of the Qajar Period and to learn about the manufacturing methods and the decorative techniques used on these arms and armor. With the publication of this invaluable and important book, Mr. Moshtagh Khorasani will be the source of pride for all Iranians and the lovers of Iran and Iranian culture across the world. We hope that his name and other scholars’ names who have contributed to the spread of the knowledge of the history and culture of Iran will remain eternal.



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